
Training the Modern Workforce: Mobile Learning for Your Business

Distance learning, eLearning, LMS, LXP—there are tons of terms floating around about how technology is revolutionizing the way we learn. But when it comes to business, mobile learning—or mLearning—is gaining traction and here to stay. mLearning uses mobile technology to deliver learning and training materials that are context-aware, on-demand, and just in time. It’s less structured and […]

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What Is Extended Enterprise, and How Can mLearning Help?

A lot of articles have been written explaining the benefits and opportunities that mLearning offers companies looking to train their workforce. But a company is more than just its employees—it’s also its partners, suppliers, vendors, clients, and customers. This non-employee external audience is called your “extended enterprise,” and mLearning provides the capability to disseminate knowledge

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