Efficient, effective employee lifecycle training
Use Capillary to drive engagement, retention, and training effectiveness. Create and deliver instructor-led, certified mobile learning courses combined with on-demand training to beat the forgetting curve. Develop employee skillsets and support job performance with instant access to your compliant, high-quality training content.

Mobile and web access for employee training
Create and deliver more relevant, high-quality training materials by leveraging Capillary’s learning models. Our course and assessment workflows help you turn your training into mobile-friendly content for learners and mobile assessment tools for trainers to make sure your employees take the right knowledge beyond the classroom into practical skillsets. From just-in-time reference to comprehension checks to full certifications, we have you covered with the right training tool for your use case.
Why choose Allogy training?
Recall and Engagement
Staff retain more of what they learn the first time with better engagement. When they need to fill the gaps, there’s on-demand microlearning, focused on the specific tasks or knowledge areas they need to refresh.
Capillary lets you build content that precisely matches the requirements of job roles and regulations, ensuring accurate training across your organization. When they change, you can update all the content that connects to that regulation with a single click. No more searching through a library by memory to find every instance of that update.
It’s important to know why and how to be compliant with regulations and policies. Provide staff with role-specific training for global comprehension. Empower your trainers and inspectors with the same process assessment tools to ensure learners are being trained in the same process the quality management system expects.
What they say about us
Training across the organization
HR Departments
Onboard and train
Onboarding is traditionally a slow process. Some roles can take a year or more to reach full productivity. Onboard new employees with the same content they’ll need to perform and avoid curriculum drift between training and production environments. Train existing staff with the same extensible learning materials for organization-wide, lifecycle-long benefits: maximize engagement and improve recall and productivity.

Learning and Development
Upskill and update
You never send another reminder email or ask management who has completed the required training. Your staff never miss another training session. Asynchronous learning lets staff earn certifications in their own time, and short, on-demand microlearning delivers knowledge to workers when they need it.
Accelerate and engage
Targeted task- or goal-oriented training materials improve productivity without taking staff away from their work. Offer staff training that they find engaging, relevant, and rewarding to empower an organizational learning culture. Meet immediate goals and departmental and role-specific requirements with on-demand, right-now training.

Why Employee Training Isn’t Working
Employee training typically doesn’t “stick.” Staff zone out, don’t pick much up, and then forget most of it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Active recall supported by modular, on-demand training cements concepts and ties them to tasks so employees see the relevancy in the moment.
Providers within the organization typically spend most of their time organizing training, not delivering it. Managers don’t prioritize it, and staff don’t see it as valuable, so HR, L&D, and operations wind up sending lots of reminder emails and pushing attendance.
Then, staff all attend synchronous training events that take swathes of the organization away from their work, hampering the effectiveness of entire departments or the whole organization. That’s before adding the cost of refresher training for people who didn’t quite get it the first time.
There’s a better way.
Capillary: An Integrated Learning Platform
Capillary combines a robust CMS with a mobile, device-agnostic LMS. Populate it with accurate, compliant content, using course structures and training technique templates designed by pedagogical experts.
Propagate it across platforms. Deliver it to staff where and when they need it.
How does it work?
Capillary is a cross-platform, mobile-first training solution that delivers your training and content to your users’ fingertips. It incorporates certified course capabilities with on-demand and just-in-time training for staff learning, development, and job performance. Skills development is integrated with work rather than being artificially separated from it because Capillary is built to mirror how humans learn, not how students get taught.
Capillary gives you permissioned roles so the content on the system is created and quality-controlled at the source by authorized personnel. Multiple permission levels and course structuring allow you to incorporate document control processes for staff while still granting them the access they need.
Courses led by instructors are most valuable when the instructor is facilitating the application of knowledge in practical scenarios rather than reading information from PowerPoint. Capillary uses a hybrid approach to help instructors flip the classroom by delivering standard training content to review and test their knowledge ahead of the live class, then supports mobile instructor assessments for practical evaluations ahead of the certificate.
Certify course and module completion to enforce structured learning, reward engagement, and build professional qualifications.
Asynchronous training frees you from the need to get everyone in the same place at the same time. People can log on and learn when they have the opportunity, without disrupting their work or the organization’s.
On-demand training puts users in charge. When they’re halfway through something complex, they can look up their next move, find it quickly, and complete their task—without having to scour their old notes, search through long videos or documents, or ask anyone else for help. This means better habit formation and cleaner change management in the future because checking the reference is the process.
Build training into tasks or workflows. Push training modules for supplementation, micro-mastery, refresher training, or preparation for new tasks and roles. Deliver training at the point it becomes relevant so staff have it when they need it.