TTMWL: Episode 16 — “How Training Can Help Introduce Disruptive Technology” with Exsurco Medical’s Amber McAfee

Training the Modern Workforce Live is a show discussing training and talent development solutions and best practices. Hosted by Allogy CEO Colin Forward, each episode features an informative conversation with a prominent guest in the training world.

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About Amber McAfee, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Exsurco Medical

Amber McAfee is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Exsurco Medical. With Exsurco since its inception in 2010, Amber led the company’s growth into tissue and surgical settings to redefine excision science. She supports Exsurco’s community of healthcare professional customers who are advancing the healing power of skin to patients who need it the most. Uncovering customer needs, problem-solving, and providing solutions is nothing new to Amber, who started her career as a Technician and Combat Medic in the U.S. Army. 

After completing active duty, she remained in the reserves and found her home and the transplant industry at Lifeline of Ohio. Her second day on the job was the September 11th attacks on our nation, and Amber knew then saving lives would become her lifelong passion. Amber worked with the team of engineers that developed the Amalgatome MD for skin grafting procedures in tissue donation, which since 2010 has resulted in over half a million life-saving dermal allografts for burn survivors.

Episode Transcript

Adam Wagner:
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Allogy’s podcast, Training the Modern Workforce Live, the show discussing training and talent development solutions and best practices. Each episode, we’ll talk about a different training topic, and make sure to keep an eye out for special guests and interviews from top training professionals.

With me, as always, I have Colin Forward, CEO of Allogy. For the last decade, Colin has provided major U.S. hospitals and federal agencies with distance learning solutions. He studied mobile technology at the University of Central Florida while earning a degree in computer science and his MBA.

And joining Colin this week is Amber McAfee. With Exsurco since its inception in 2010, Amber led the company’s growth into tissue and surgical settings to redefine excision science. She supports Exsurco’s community of healthcare professional customers who are advancing the healing power of skin to patients who need it the most. Uncovering customer needs, problem-solving, and providing solutions is nothing new to Amber, who started her career as a Technician and Combat Medic in the U.S. Army.

After completing active duty, she remained in the reserves and found her home and the transplant industry at Lifeline of Ohio. Her second day on the job was the September 11th attacks on our nation, and Amber knew then saving lives would become her lifelong passion. Amber worked with the team of engineers that developed the Amalgatome MD for skin grafting procedures in tissue donation, which since 2010 has resulted in over half a million life-saving dermal allografts for burn survivors.

Today, we’re going to be talking about how training can help introduce disruptive technology. We’ve got some great questions on deck already, but feel free to ask any questions that may come up in the chat, and we’ll get to as many as we can.

Alright, Colin: over to you.

Colin Forward: Alright, thanks, Adam. And thanks, Amber, for joining us. It looks like a pretty great audience already today, so for everyone in the audience, you’re welcome to submit questions through the chat, and we’ll try and get to as many of those as possible.

But to get started, Amber, just your bio that Adam was just sharing is pretty fascinating. It seems like a bit of a winding path. Can you expand a little bit on how you got to be where you are with Exsurco? It sounds like from what I know, you played a pretty big role in product development.

How Did You Get Started with Exsurco and Develop/Introduce This Disruptive Technology?

Amber McAfee: I did. And if we had the whole afternoon, I’d love to tell you the entire story. It’s one that I love to tell. But it started with my military career, and an Army recruiter accidentally called the wrong number and got me. And I’m like, “Well, what would happen if I served in the military?” Because I cry when the “Star-Spangled Banner” plays. And long story short, I left for the military two weeks later, and I absolutely loved it.

I knew I wanted to be in the medical space. I didn’t know exactly what surgery was going to be like at the time, but it sounded cool. It looked cool on TV. And then, I found it was a niche that worked very well for me.

And coming out of it, I tried to get a job at a hospital after my military service was over, and I found out about organ and tissue donation while I was a surge tech at that hospital. Interestingly enough, I had reached a point in my career where I was interested in the next step, the next adrenaline-rush thing that I could do. And when I found out that when someone dies and chooses to be a life-saving donor, there are individuals that have to go out there and recover those needed allograph tissues that save the lives of transplant patients or burn patients or trauma patients. And I found out that I could do the actual surgical procedure.

And by doing that with the products that I’ll get to being disruptive that my product competes with, I learned how to remove bones and skin tissue and blood vessels and heart valves kind of like a surgeon would, and I didn’t have to go to medical school to do it. So then, I ended up going back to school and getting my degree.

So I was able to combine my clinical or technical acumen, if you will, with the mindset of business. And when I finished my MBA, a recruiter said that there was this company kind of branching into new technology. They’re in a totally different space than medical device, but they wanted to diversify, and they saw their future.

I lived in the area, and I seemed to be a custom fit. So I threw my hat in the ring, and that is kind of what started Exsurco. I got to this organization. I saw their instrumentation. And I said, I know exactly what I think could be designed, and we can take technology in a totally different space and move it into a new space and compete against something that hasn’t been re-innovated or redesigned, at the time, for almost 70 years.

And having used the product that was the gold standard to remove allograft skin from donors—and although I’m not a surgeon, it’s the same type of procedure that a doctor would do to take an autograft—those devices hadn’t been changed or re-innovated or made easier. And they were very fatiguing on the user, high risk of potentially recovering a piece of tissue incorrectly, and high rate of needing repair or potential failure. So it seemed to be a marketable space where if we could design variables out of it to make it easier on the user and make it able to recover more needed skin for the use of burn and trauma and transplant, it was a win-win.

Right after I was hired, there was a Biomed engineer hired and then a whole team of medical device people to build our regulatory systems and so forth. And I’m proud to say that when the first product was launched in 2013, we were able to compete against that disruptive technology and change what would have been an average of about two and a half square feet of life-saving skin being used for donors to four and a half to five square feet. So that was more lives saved, more use of the gift of donation from a single donor.

As Exsurco grew, we took that to the burn space for live patients. That’s when we had to continue to develop the tools in the kit for our team to be able to reach the clinicians—albeit transplant, allograph for the use of transplant, or wound covering—to a burn surgeon treating a patient. And how do I get my information out there, either with a person onsite or innovative training methodologies like a mobile training app that you can use right in the field?

Colin Forward: Before we get to the mobile training, I want to just make sure I really understand this because we’re not talking about incremental change, really. You’re talking about getting two to two and a half times the product.

Amber McAfee: Yes. And so some of my dear friends—I can see their names on this call—were some of my early adopters, and I really owe it to them to think outside the box. And when I approached the tissue banks and said, “Hey, remember me? I used to just do recovery, but now I have this product, and I think that your team could use it and recover more life-saving graphs, and it’s going to help the entire industry.”

And there were about four original key tissue banks who said, “You know what? It is time to maybe set something down that is 70, 50, whatever years old and try something new.” And they adapted to it quickly and saw a return on their investment to do so, both financially but, most importantly, saving patients.

Colin Forward: So, you’re saying that it was about 70 years before big change happened in this space. Why do you think it took so long? What made it so that either people were just satisfied with the technology they had or that it was difficult to introduce new tech.

Amber McAfee: Yeah. I mean, to be fair, there were product changes. But it would be mostly motor enhancements or potentially modifying a product because of a safety concern. There was not a change in the mechanism of action. And that’s where we came in.

Our product was a different mechanism of action to make a skin graft be recoverable. And I believe that it hadn’t changed with the other manufacturers in that space because it wasn’t a sexy call point, if you will. Trauma is kind of tough to be around and tough to work in. And in the medical-device space, if you have something that makes a total hip or a total knee go better, that is a bigger market to go after.

And with the education in our industry about stopping house fires and cooking fires and things, there aren’t a high enough number of burns for a manufacturer to go, “We should create a product in that space.” It is a small number. So it took the right organization to be ready to say, “Even though it’s niche, there is a need, and let’s do it because maybe it’ll open other windows in other surgical spaces.” And we were willing to do that.

Colin Forward: Okay, so I think you’ve set up the situation really well. And this show is all about training, behavior change, improved performance, that kind of thing. So let’s talk about some of the challenges that you face in getting adoption. What kind of hurdles did you come up against when trying to get people to adopt this technology that could make a real difference?

How Do You Get People to Adopt Disruptive Technology?

Amber McAfee: I can tell you that the two markets that we serve—tissue banking and what we call the surgical market—it was almost their parallel in terms of the adoption. Typically, a representative from our organization would either meet a new potential tissue bank or burn trauma center at a trade show or through industry connections or through marketing and advertising, and a lot of the very first adopters want to trial the product for a period of time and allow it to prove itself. “Why should I make this purchase? Why should I make this change?” When what we had before is, “This is the way we’ve always done it. This is the way we were trained. This is the gold standard.” And even in the surgical space, “This is the way the medical school trains us.”

So now you’re introducing a whole new mechanism of action that wasn’t what I learned in medical school. And so that is a big barrier to get around. And, in fact, after so many evaluations, we then started to get invited to the new fellows’ or new interns’ labs or training sessions to say, “Okay, that other device might be there, but we need you to learn this too.”

And we were very happy to go and present because if you find those new users that aren’t going to learn the gold standard—I want to be the gold standard; I want the Amalgatome to do that. So that was probably the biggest thing is that early adopters want to trial it. You put out an investment of your time and your products being at the hospitals being used without knowing at the end of this if they are going to become a user.

Colin Forward: Yeah, so what I think is so interesting about this sort of case study around Exsurco and adoption and introducing this disruptive technology is— I mean, you have a sales and marketing title, right?

Amber McAfee: Yes.

Colin Forward: Yeah, and so we’ve been having this conversation internally at Allogy—and I guess I forgot to disclose at the beginning of the call, but Exsurco is an Allogy customer, so everyone should be aware—but normally, I think people think of training as an HR function and as something that is there to check a box or satisfy compliance or something like that. But more and more we’re seeing that people are understanding that training is getting directly to the output of these different business functions. And for you in sales and marketing, it was really a matter of helping people understand the value proposition and training them on this value proposition. Is that accurate?

Amber McAfee: Absolutely. Training is important even when they’re just trialing the device. So there’s training in the initial introduction, and then there’s training sustaining all along the way. New users come to work at this organization, and they need to be trained. And honestly, if you want what I call a confident and competent user of your whatever it is, and I’m going to quote my boss, “that reach and frequency have to be consistent.” And it can be in-person in other ways, which we’re going to get to on this podcast, but without that, you may have someone not confident and feeling they’re competent using it, and that’s where they can potentially get in trouble. So, that was very important and is going to continue to be very important for Exsucro in both spaces.

Colin Forward: I mean, it probably sounds pretty intuitive for most people listening that someone needs to know that a product is valuable. So marketing, in that sense, is kind of training. It’s education. They understand the value proposition. And then they adopt the product, and then they have to learn how to use it. But in this space, it sounds like there’s some untraining that goes on around the way that things have always been done and how that’s different from how you’re helping people improve their performance.

What Role Does “Unlearning” Play in Training and Adopting New Technology?

Amber McAfee: Right. And this happened, like I say, in both our market spaces. We were up against seasoned professionals who use these devices—the entrenched technology—that was almost unaware to the user that they became so good at doing so. And then, because our mechanism of action is so different, it was like I needed to almost untrain you because you’re inadvertently, with muscle memory and the way you’ve done it for so many years, about to use my device incorrectly because it’s almost opposite.

So it’s interesting because you’ll watch at an organization where you have the seasoned people watching your presentation or training and you have the new person, and the new person who didn’t know how to use the other product just does it perfectly. And it’s almost intuitive. And the seasoned people are like, “Wait, I’ve been doing this for eight years. How are they better at this than me?”

And you have to explain it’s because you’re inadvertently so used to or aware of how to do that, and in the tissue bank space, everyone’s like, “You’re right. You’re right. You’re right.” In the surgical space, it can be a bit different because they’re medical professionals, they’re MDs, and they’re going, “Wait a minute. I’m the engineer of the human body. I should be able to figure this out.” And you could see them processing like, “Wait, how do I go from a straight oscillating blade that recovers a piece of skin to save this patient’s burned or traumatized area to a round blade on an orbit doing that?” And you just see, and sometimes you have to stop talking and even just let them process it and get through it.

But it is a huge barrier. I should say it was a huge barrier because it’s actually working in our favor now. Professionals talk. We’ve been in the space for a while. We have these other training methodologies that we’re seeing that a bit less and less. So that’s a good thing. Well, we should see it because we’re about four years into this. So we’ve been able to see that untrain wean off a little bit.

Colin Forward: I think that starts to make it clear just what kind of training challenges you’re up against. Sure, the tabula rasa folks have a bit of an advantage; they don’t have to unlearn all of these things. But that means that you have multiple audiences in a way. Like you have different people that you need to communicate with in different ways. You have all of these old habits that you’re trying to get past. You have just the initial training so that people understand the value proposition. And we haven’t even talked about the pandemic and the fact that you’re not able to be face-to-face with people as much as you have been in the past. So what have you found that works? What is it that’s really helping you have the success that you’ve found recently?

What Kinds of Training Interventions Work to Convey the Value Proposition of New Technology?

Amber McAfee: I’m going to speak about a little bit of reorganization that Exsurco did. At one point, we had our representatives be the business hat as well as the teaching hat. And we decided to create a team of people who aren’t focused on gaining the business but are focused on being with the customer enough to create confidence and competency in the product. So they became our applications specialists, and they have backgrounds in the recovery of allograft tissue. And we found that to be a successful step in the process.

Then, we had to give them the toolkits to do their job. And how can they visually explain it, audibly explain it, and then actually see one and do one with the users? And so, with things like a training app—or even if you just have a video, if it’s not even in an app yet—if you could send that out prior to even meeting the individual that you’re going to train: “Hey, when we get together in two weeks, this is what I’m going to teach you. Watch this. Process it. Think about things that we’re going to talk about or that you want to ask me. And then, when we’re present, this hands-on training is going to be that much more meaningful because we got past those first, ‘Wait, how does that not work like I’m used to?'”

So we found that to be very helpful, and honestly, we’re still rolling out the LMS system and the mobile training app. It’s a product in and of itself, and it went out this year. And what we’re doing is a little bit of get-it-out-there social but also be present and walk our users through it and say, “Hey, you have this resource to you. And let me show you how to pull it up in the operating room, in real-time when you need it.”

Colin Forward: Yeah, so you just went through a bunch of really key pedagogical concepts that I think are maybe not obvious to some people who may even be doing them well. So it sounds like you’ve introduced experts into the communication cycle, the customer support cycle. You’ve equipped those experts with the tools that they need to support this audience on-demand, and you’ve flipped the classroom. You know, you might be doing these in-person trainings, but you’re preparing people with information beforehand so you’re able to get more out of those face-to-face sessions, and then you’re providing some of that ramp down so that you’re crystallizing the knowledge and are able to see how people access all those things.

Amber McAfee: Yeah, absolutely. I even have an example of it literally an hour and a half ago: a trauma center was asking me to FaceTime to help put the product together. It was a brand new scrub technician with this particular burn surgeon. And I sent the mobile training app, and when I called, they said, “Nevermind, we just watched that, and we don’t need to FaceTime now. We got it.”

So, I was like, “Yay! Mark Avery is going to love hearing that one.” So, yeah.

Colin Forward: That’s awesome. That’s really great to hear.

Amber McAfee: So it’s almost an example of it working daily for us.

Colin Forward: So that’s some awesome validation. What made you realize that that was the type of tool that you needed to support your customers?

Why Did Exsurco Adopt Mobile Learning for Training & Was it Successful?

Amber McAfee: I think we had done a lot of putting content out there in multiple ways. Okay, so we had it on our webpage, and our videos were housed on YouTube. So a user would want to look at a video, and maybe they’re in an operating room, and they click it, and there’s a chance that they don’t even get to the link that they intended or they’re in the center of the hospital and it’s buffering, and they’re like, “Wow, this resource is available to me, and I can’t get it. Where’s the user guide? Do I have the printed version of it in my operating room? What’s the rep’s phone number because I might need to FaceTime?” And the user would have to wonder, “How do I get that information? And sometimes I need it in real-time.” And it was all over, and we needed it in one place, easy to find, and relevant to the hat that they’re wearing.

Is it the scrub tech who’s looking at it? Is it the clinician who’s about to take a graft who wants to review a video of how to take a graft? Is it the person who cleans and sterilizes the device who’s thinking, “I know I sat through that training session, but what did she say?” And I can go now and look back at how to do that.

So for us, it was housing it in one place. We had a lot to develop once we were going to put it in one place, but we had a lot out there that was a bit willy-nilly, if you will. And we needed to make it easier for the users to get to it. We didn’t want to be the organization that was like, “The product’s great, but the support needs a little polishing.” And we wanted to be ahead of that.

Colin Forward: So it sounds like it’s going pretty well on that front. I mean, aside from just having a lower burden for support, like this anecdote you just shared where they were able to access on-demand content—just-in-time-training, as we like to say—and that meant that they didn’t need as much support. What other kinds of impacts are you seeing from having this branded, centralized, on-demand training resource?

Amber McAfee: Because this is our first year, I see, as each year passes, that we’ll be able to potentially almost manufacture or certify users like a true LMS where they watch everything and then answer back, and we can confirm the information is solid to the user.

The other thing is I think it’ll drive compliance. For example, if a reportable event were to happen, and they say, “We were never trained.” And I go into my system, and I say, “Well, you know, you were trained on X date and on that specific topic, and here’s your certificate saying that you did so.” And so, as a medical device company, I think having those great records to back us if an event were to ever happen in a negative fashion that we can almost, by offering this, make that not have to happen. Because we don’t want reportable events. Patient safety is always first. I think that is another complete benefit of offering these types of training scenarios.

Colin Forward: And so, it seems like you and your team did a great job of seeing the opportunity here and understanding how you might be able to better support your customers. And I know that you and Mark put a ton of work into building this product on our Capillary platform that is going out and providing value for you now. But were there questions along the way, or was there any skepticism that you ran into about the level of effort required to get to this point? You know, I talk to people all the time that say things kind of like you were talking about before where, “Well we have all of our resources on our website, so why do we need anything else? Or people can go to YouTube and find this information, so why do we need anything else?”

Amber McAfee: I don’t know that I particularly hit a barrier. I think maybe I can answer that question in another way: it was worth housing it all in the same place, and because it’s in the form of an app, folks can just keep certain things in their own library that then is most relevant to them, and they can get to when they need it. We put it through our internal process to make sure that what is on the web, what is in the app, what is in the user guide, and our policies all line up with each other. So if there was one hurdle, it was to make sure that every “I” was dotted and “T” was crossed to make sure that it’s all consistent. And when there’s a change, how does that flow forward and backward so the end users are always getting the most current information? That’d be the only thing I’d say, yeah.

Colin Forward: Sure, and the runway for you guys has been something like three or four months to get started, which I’ve got to say that for the level of training you’re providing, that’s pretty great. Do you feel like that investment is an instant return? Is it something that you’re ramping up to with your customers? I know it’s been like a phased rollout, so I’m just setting expectations for someone that’s thinking about embarking on this same journey that you’ve gone on. When do you start to see the return?

Amber McAfee: So, because I can see that I have folks joining from the different markets that I serve, I can tell you that my tissue bank folks are probably wondering, “When do I get the rest of the content in the app?” And we did a phased rollout, so the tissue bank personnel are going to see that in the next probably month come alive for them. So I think we’re going to see the return on all this learning happen probably by mid-next-year, once both market segments are live.

We’re always open to even the end-users telling us, “You know what else you need in the app?” And then, we start to put that content in there too. And I think if we’ll have the year under our belt, we’ve gotten enough of that voice of the customer back. “Hey, I find that this one thing might have been missed. Can you please add that?” And we’re going to work on that.

So I think mid-next-year is when I’m going to see a big bump in the use of it, as well as the need to reach people in Europe and Australia. And so this is another way that I can do business from the United States and reach my users there.

Colin Forward: Yeah, do you feel like making this investment has changed the requirements on your organization for the amount of staff, the amount of investment that they would have to make to support those customers in Europe, Australia, and abroad?

Amber McAfee: It actually happened a little bit in parallel and probably just unbeknownst because a lot of travel for my team came to a bit of a halt, obviously, with the pandemic. So I did see some cost offset because the travel declined. However, it still gave my folks an opportunity to be relevant and provide value each time they reached out to their customers.

Colin Forward: I’m surprised it took us this long to really start addressing the pandemic directly; it’s kind of the elephant in the room. But one of the things that we talked about on our last podcast episode with Sabina Love—who is an instructional designer who consults organizations that are looking to stand up products like this—is a lot of people think that the pandemic is winding down, at least in the U.S. or places where they’re having trouble getting vaccines. But even still, are you expecting to go back to the old way of doing things? Is this the new normal, or is this something that you feel would have added value with or without the pandemic?

Amber McAfee: Honestly, I think it’s adding value given that the pandemic happened. I think I would be a little bit behind if I didn’t have this to provide because of the pandemic. And the reason for that is, either in the hospital or in a tissue bank, they are limiting the number of people in an operating room.

They’re realizing that you can still get business done on a Zoom call and not have to fly there. And it might make the face-to-face interactions that much more meaningful because I think not even in just my space, our space, all of us on this call, the way we’re doing business has changed.

And I think in the spaces that Exsurco works in, if we didn’t have this, we might’ve been maybe slightly scrambling. “What else can we put out there? We can’t go meet him. We can’t go train in person right now. We’ve got to get vaccinated, or whatever your belief is on that. How are you going to get out there?”

And then, we thought it was over, and the variant’s happening again or coming to fruition. So, I think it was serendipitous for Exsurco. There are people who would tell you I’m a pretty lucky person. And I think that this was like the perfect storm and the perfect outcome for us to have this resource available at the right time.

Colin Forward: Oh, I’d have to give you more credit than that. It sounds like you understood the needs of your customers pretty well from the outset.

Amber McAfee: Well, that too.

Colin Forward: But I mean, your answer mirrors something that Andrea Procaccino, the Chief Learning Officer for New York-Presbyterian, told us as well, which is that having those tools in place is what allowed them to be an example for how to support their staff and their patients. I mean, they were in the middle of it in March/April of 2020 before other people were even necessarily feeling the effect. And it’s just like you said, making those investments in distributed training and having trusted outlets for folks so that you can “be there when you can’t be there.” You know, that gave you a bit of a headstart.

Amber McAfee: It did. It did, absolutely.

Colin Forward: So, where do you see this going from here? You’ve introduced this disruptive technology. You’re working now on untraining some of the folks that were just so used to the way that they were doing things, and it sounds like it’s having a real impact for your business processes, reduced support requirements, higher customer satisfaction. Do you see efforts in the future to, say, introduce new products, new services, or to make additional use of the platform that you have in place now that you’ve got that channel to your customers?

Amber McAfee: Absolutely. I think Exsurco is very invested in providing complimentary products in both the markets that we work in, and each introduction of a new product will have its place in the app and have its LMS written around it for our users. And, you know, what’s in the future I don’t believe will be the same as disruptive because now we have a footprint, and now Exsurco isn’t an unknown brand.

And, in fact, we get asked a lot about, “Hey, do you have an X Device because I’m interested in it.” And, I think, in the future when we have things like that, it’s going to be a part of this. It’s going to be the same customer-support training. And you know what, even if it isn’t as technically difficult, they’re going to get the same level of support.

Colin Forward: And I kind of want to shift around to the customer perspective for a second because you mentioned compliance, and I’m wondering what the ROI is for adopting this new tool that comes with your product? Do you think that they’re expecting better patient outcomes, better adoption of the tools that their organizations are investing in? How do you think they see the value of that?

How Does Exsurco Measure ROI from a Customer’s Perspective?

Amber McAfee: Wow. I could give you a ton of different examples, and I’ll start with the tissue banks. When using the Amalgatome, it’s immediately, “Wow, I can tell just by the amount of skin that I’m about to send to the skin bank processor that this is going to save more lives. And by the way, that procedure was a lot easier because it didn’t take an hour and a half of a lot of fatiguing pressure and pushing, and I’m not sweating at the end of the procedure and all this and that.” And so, that was immediate in that space.

And then, if I were to flip to the surgical space, one of my staff came to us with a story that the doctor called on their way home and was like, “I’m actually going home to have dinner with my family because I used your product. I still would have been in the OR for two more hours, and I’m getting to have dinner with my family.” And that was just the time-savings in the OR.

I have another scenario where a doctor, over a weekend, took our product and a traumatically injured patient to the operating room, and I texted a few hours later just to check in and see, and the words back to me were, “We saved 500 CCs of blood. One less trip to the OR, and I was able to get this person grafted in one trip not two trips to the operating room.” So without even going into finances, you can imagine what that means to that patient. Now, less time in the hospital and to go home and recover without that second procedure and recover that much faster. I mean—

Colin Forward: Yeah, that’s a huge impact.

Amber McAfee: That’s a shining star of a story. Yeah, absolutely.

Colin Forward: That’s incredible. Well, you know, I think given that a lot of the folks listening and people that see this after the live recording may want to get a look at it, understand what it is that you’ve done to support your customers in this way, and get this kind of impact. So, the app is available on the app stores, right?

Amber McAfee: Yes.

Colin Forward: And so if someone searches for Exsurco on the App Store and Google Play, they’ll find the app.

Amber McAfee: Absolutely. Yes.

Colin Forward: Okay, cool. And then, you know, I think not all of the content that we’re talking about having that impact is available to the public, but people can get a sense of the on-demand, just-in-time resources that are available.

Amber McAfee: Yeah, absolutely. Some of my colleagues whose names I recognize will have more things live in the next probably month, and they’re going to get to see the benefit of what we’ve been talking about today.

Colin Forward: Great. Well, yeah, I appreciate you sharing some of those stories because that really brings into focus the kind of impact that just better training and better preparedness can have, especially through this lens of marketing and customer support. So, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time today to share your experience and the impact that doing some thoughtful training investments have had for your organization. So thanks for sharing that with us.

Amber McAfee: Thank you.

Colin Forward: Back to you, Adam.

Adam Wagner: Yeah, thanks, everyone. This was Training the Modern Workforce Live, presented by Allogy. If you’d like to explore previous episodes, subscribe to our YouTube channel or like us on LinkedIn and Facebook. And if you’d like to connect with one of our learning specialists to see how Allogy could help improve your training, head to and schedule a demo.

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