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Trusted by:
The Defense Health Agency uses Capillary for Deployed Medicine—the official outlet for combat medicine training resources—to standardize training across the Department of Defense and ultimately eliminate preventable deaths on the battlefield.
One of the largest private hospitals in the U.S. uses Capillary to train nurses across several hospital campuses. The program distributes EHR training, weekly newsletters, and policy updates through multiple Capillary apps.
One of the largest public hospitals in the U.S. uses Capillary to deliver dialectical behavior therapy to adolescent patients. Patients receive mindfulness skills training and submit daily behavioral diary cards via Capillary apps.
The Los Angeles Police Department uses Capillary to deliver LAPD University, a mobile application that delivers essential police training to ensure certification and compliance.

Masimo uses Capillary to train their military and government users on Masimo devices, best practices, CPGs, and clinical indications and uses, with the most up to date user manuals and other applicable documentation for each Masimo product in their government inventory.