
Deliver high-impact, on demand training

Better Content for a Better World

Application Deadline Dec 1st 7th

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Knowledge at Work

Allogy is excited to announce the Capillary Exchange grant program! We are looking to empower up to 5 subject matter experts or expert groups to develop and deliver public goods training content to help provide key infomation and support to underserved populations around the world. Grantees will receive up to $3000 as well as coaching and support from Allogy mobile learning experts to develop their content to be delivered on our public Capillary mobile app. Successful grantees will also have opportunities for additional funding and support to expand their Capillary program.

Why Are We Doing This?

Training technology is changing the way we learn and live by making critical information more accessible and equitable. Our Capillary training platform was created to help subject matter experts reach their audiences in spite of geographical and economic challenges, and we want to do our part to make this resource available to people who can use it for good. We firmly believe that access to trusted knowledge and training can change the world. Be part of the first cohort of Capillary Exchange grant recipients by applying today!

Selection Criteria

Allogy is seeking organizations who offer training and educational content that can improve lives & strengthen communities, with an emphasis on sustainable models for achieving these outcomes. If you are part of an organization that addresses challenging personal and interpersonal challenges–such as addiction, suicide prevention, financial literacy, or other high-impact social issues–we want to hear from you!

Applicants should meet the following criteria:

Credible on the Topic

Your organization [and the individuals on this application] should have demonstrable expertise on the topic for which you are proposing to build Capillary training content.

Understand the need

You should be able to accurately describe the population you will serve with this content and the nature of the problem you are working to address. Mobile technology is a great equalizer. How will having a mobile learning program make strides towards addressing your particular social need?

Prepared to act

How will your organization ensure that this information gets to the point of need? Capillary is an excellent tool for disseminating information, but it relies on those who use it to drive adoption and promote the important resources it provides.

Ready to grow

How will your organization build on the success of a Capillary program? Sustainability comes in many different forms. We’re not setting strict requirements for how you fund your work in the long run, but we are looking for applicants to demonstrate an awareness of who might fund the next stage of growth and at what level. That might mean charging some portion of your target populations for your service, winning other grants, or some other forms of proposed funding.

What Do You Get?

Development and delivery of public goods content

$3,000 Grant

• Capillary onboarding and training


• Mobile learning and instructional design support

$1500 Value

• Implementation and launch support

$3000 Value

A featured collection on our public Capillary app to build out and organize your training content

– Unlimited content and media storage for your collection​
– A featured spot on our Capillary app for iOS and Android

$1500 Value

$9,000 Total Value

Application Timeline

Applications due

December 7, 2022

Applicant Interviews Completed

December 15, 2022

Awards Announced

December 20, 2022

Content Published on Capillary

March 1, 2023

Launched Event

March 15, 2023

Who Are We?

Allogy’s story starts in 2009, at the Institute of Simulation and Training at the University of Central Florida. That’s where members of the Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab (METIL) came together to create a platform for custom mobile development projects for government, retail, automotive and higher education.

Back then, the iPhone was only two years old, Android a little over one year. We were researching how mobile learning is different from traditional desktop eLearning. Our big idea was that you no longer had to stay in and learn, then go out and apply. Mobile learning put eLearning right with you in the field, so you could top up, remind yourself, or grab the knowledge you needed right at the point of need. That has major implications for clinicians, technicians, folks in the logistics chain and anyone else who can’t just work from home.

Our first advances were in places like Kenya, where expensive desktop PCs were rare but more affordable mobile devices were becoming ubiquitous. Just putting learning content on SD cards meant students no longer had to commute hours into Nairobi for school, only for orientation and exams. Their 50% attrition fell to 0% and academic performance remained the same. We still have many overseas projects we support through an open-source version of Capillary, though we don’t generate any revenue from those projects.


We moved our focus to hospital and government customers here in the USA, and began to develop Capillary. Capillary is a centralized content management system on one end, and a widely distributed mobile learning management tool on the other; it’s about perfusing crucial knowledge from trusted sources to the people who need it in the field.

Their 50% attrition fell to 0% while maintaining a high level of academic performance. Allogy continues to support several charitable overseas projects through an open-source version of Capillary used to deliver important important information to underserved populations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does our program have to be 100% remote?

Absolutely not! While Capillary programs can be delivered 100% remotely, it is also an extremely effective way to make face-to-face training more valuable by supporting flipped-classroom models and fighting the forgetting curve. If you see an opportunity to enhance the impact of your existing programming by introducing a remote learning component, we want to hear about it!

How much content is required?

There is no strict content minimum, however, applicants should have enough content to make an impact in getting important information to underserved communities. Allogy can help break you down that content into a suitable mobile learning training program to achieve the best results.

All of your content will live in a single Capillary Collection on our public app. Here’s an example of a Collection from Deployed Medicine, built on Capillary.

On-demand content can include marketing materials but must also provide real benefit to learners who can’t (or choose not to) participate in traditional courses.

What types of content/media are supported?

Capillary supports a range of content types. Individual videos, PDFs, and audio clips can be uploaded for microlearning and just-in-time performance support. Capillary also supports longer-form book content that combines text and other information display with images, videos, audio clips, and PDFs. Things like PowerPoint and other LMS media types are not supported, however, Allogy can coach users on how to break down these content-types and rebuild them into native Capillary content.

Apply today for the $3,000 Capillary Exchange Grant and help make a difference.

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